Unlimited Fashion Objects

Collection UFO: Unlimited Fashion Objects was inspired by Slovak conceptual artist Július Koller, his life and his work. Playfulness is what inspired the designer the most, whether it comes to table tennis or playing as such. The designer plays with the clothing piece, with the design and gets inspired by Koller’s use of symbols, as well as the endless theme of UFO and aliens. UFO Dress® has unlimited possibilities of being worn, which turns it into a game. Even such play in fashion can carry an artistic message. Piece UFO Dress® is recognized by the registry of design and has a trade mark.

Unlimited Fashion Objects

Collection UFO: Unlimited Fashion Objects was inspired by Slovak conceptual artist Július Koller, his life and his work. Playfulness is what inspired the designer the most, whether it comes to table tennis or playing as such. The designer plays with the clothing piece, with the design and gets inspired by Koller’s use of symbols, as well as the endless theme of UFO and aliens. UFO Dress® has unlimited possibilities of being worn, which turns it into a game. Even such play in fashion can carry an artistic message. Piece UFO Dress® is recognized by the registry of design and has a trade mark.